#1: How could OUR noise be annoying?
We tend to perceive “our” noise through a lens of positive connotations. It’s the sound of building things, providing jobs, delivering entertainment, powering our first-world economy, etc.
However once sound crosses the property line it becomes noise, and others tend to feel differently about it. It could be the sound of not being able to sleep or study, losing a quiet retirement in the country, or people getting rich at others’ expense.
Like it or not, every sound conveys a message – our brains take care of this automatically. That’s the lesson of “product sound quality“, in which we try to find the sonic recipe that makes the product sound “powerful, efficient, luxurious, well-built,” etc. to the ear of the consumer.
In many cases, neighbors are involuntary consumers of noise. The message they receive depends on context, their experience with the noise maker to date, and what activities it affects or perhaps prevents.
Nelson Acoustics can help you anticipate and manage the quantity and characteristics of emitted sound to minimize annoyance. Before it makes the news.
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